We all have problems. That’s a fact of life. What we do and how we face life’s major challenges will determine the level of growth we will experience. Fortunately, there is help.
Revive! is a week-long campaign where the Bible is presented in a practical way. We talk about the most common problems people have and how God’s grace impacts them in a positive way. You are not alone. Join us.
Roger Hernandez is known for delivering messages in a style that is clear, simple, and engaging. He has the gift of turning biblical truths into practical modern day applications. You will enjoy the presentations and see how the Bible comes alive.
He is the author of over 30 books, the most recent being Revive, published in 2021. Roger’s family includes his wife, Kathy, four children Yessenia, Deisy, Vanessa, Jonathan, and 4 granddaughters, Sara, Maya, Aida and Ismari.